Structure Deck 2: Zombie Madness ( English Version)
Cover Card |
Card List:
- SD2-EN001 Vampire Genesis (Ultra Rare)
- SD2-EN002 Master Kyonshee
- SD2-EN003 Vampire Lord
- SD2-EN004 Dark Dust Spirit
- SD2-EN005 Pyramid Turtle x3
- SD2-EN006 Spirit Reaper (Limited)
- SD2-EN007 Despair from the Dark x2
- SD2-EN008 Ryu Kokki x2
- SD2-EN009 Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower
- SD2-EN010 Vampire Lady
- SD2-EN011 Double Coston
- SD2-EN012 Regenerating Mummy x2
- SD2-EN013 Snatch Steal (Banned)
- SD2-EN014 Mystical Space Typhoon (Semi Limited)
- SD2-EN015 Giant Trunade (Limited)
- SD2-EN016 Nobleman of Crossout
- SD2-EN017 Pot of Greed (Banned)
- SD2-EN018 Card of Safe Return (Banned)
- SD2-EN019 Heavy Storm (Banned)
- SD2-EN020 Creature Swap x2
- SD2-EN021 Book of Life x2
- SD2-EN022 Call of the Mummy x3
- SD2-EN023 Reload x2
- SD2-EN024 Dust Tornado
- SD2-EN025 Torrential Tribute (Limited)
- SD2-EN026 Magic Jammer
- SD2-EN027 Reckless Greed
- SD2-EN028 Compulsory Evacuation Device x3
Deck Review: This zombie deck instead of swarming, focusing on beatdown. The cover card Vampire Genesis, with the attack of 3000 is able to go on par with the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. However, it is hard to summon as it needs the present of Vampire Lord ; it has pretty less attack power of 2000. The second effect is to discard a zombie monster to special summon from your graveyard a zombie card with less level than the discarded one. This effect can only be used once per turn. Since most zombie decks always end up with no hand, this effect is quite useless. The card Double Coston lets you to tribute it for a Dark type monster which requires two tribute. This is good as you could summon high attack monsters like Despair From The Dark faster. However, you who be having a hard time protecting it before tributing it away as it only has an attack of 1700. Overall,my opinion is that it requires much modifications to improve the deck.. So I"ll give the deck a rating of 2.5/5.
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